I'm going to give you the reader's digest version since I'm behind a few days and very tired...
Today we moved to Norden. Our first stop was St. Marien Kirche, Marienhafe. This church had a lot of palm trees. It had a tower that we climbed up and that was fun. This church was from the 13th century and only part of it remained. It was built between 1230-1270. It originally was much higher and longer but it was not preserved. This church also had a huge tower that had a pirate living in it from 1395-1401. The organ is once of the most original Baroque organs in this area.
The organ
The altar
The view from the tower
At the top of the tower
Playing the organ
Our next stop was Warfriedkirche, Osteel. Don't know much about the church, but they had cool faces on the pipes. Also, we got to pump the organ. Fun stuff.
Faces on organ
Playing the organ
Pumping the organ
Then we spent the evening at St. Ludgeri Kirche... an old Lutheran church from the 13th century, chancel was complete in 1455, pews were rented out. We visited this for 3 nights, so pics to come.
Our new hotel...
Looks like you are having the time of your life.